In response to the emerging Local Plan and the Joint Spatial Plan (JSP), which has been produced and submitted for examination by South Gloucestershire, Bristol City, Bath & North East Somerset and North Somerset Councils, Bloor and CEG have organised a public consultation event to share with the community the draft masterplans for two development sites identified in the West of England Joint Spatial Plan Strategic Development Location templates.
The JSP identifies Strategic Development Locations (SDLs) which can help to meet the very pressing need for new homes on a strategic scale, Charfield is one of five locations in South Gloucestershire identified as suitable and sustainable SDLs and specific policies are suggested.
In formulating the draft masterplans, CEG and Bloor have taken on board these policy requirements, as well as the aspirations set out in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan themes and the feedback from the Council’s public consultation event last Autumn.
Our aim is to work with local communities to ensure we evolve proposals that are best suited to the local area; providing solutions for important issues such as transport and access, green infrastructure, provision of new facilities, meeting housing and employment needs and enhancing environment and ecology.
A public consultation (9am – 1pm on 19 May 2018 at Charfield Memorial Hall) enables the community to review the proposals and provide comments. The exhibition materials can be viewed using the links below.
The JSP identifies that Charfield will need to provide 1,200 new homes by 2036 as part of the 32,500 needed across the South Gloucestershire district.
CEG and Bloor’s proposals relate to two of the sites in Charfield which can help to contribute to these housing needs, in a phased manner over the next 20 years.
Our aims include:
- Working with the local community to ensure any new development responds to local needs, in terms of housing provision but also in terms of design and character and investment into education, healthcare and transport provision as well as new accessible green spaces, shops, employment and recreation provision
- Contribute to a strategic transport package which includes M5 J14 and Wotton Road improvements, new foot and cycle ways and public transport provision
- Protecting the village character of Charfield through careful design, landscaping and an enhanced green infrastructure network
- Provide investment into existing facilities as well as providing new
- Protect and enhance the strong community/ village spirit of Charfield by investing in a heart of the village/community hub
- Contribute towards an ‘around the village’ greenway
- Explore the opportunity to provide new healthcare facilities within the village
- Provide a better housing mix, including smaller homes, starter, elderly and retirement properties as well as family housing
- Make Charfield as sustainable as possible by improving existing facilities and providing new services which reduce the need to travel, enhance public transport and provide good quality green routes